CW (Conventional Wellhead)
March 13, 2024
MTM (Metal to Metal Seal Wellhead)
March 13, 2024DT (Dual Tubing Wellhead)
The dual tubing wellhead provides compact wellhead technology for drilling two wells through one conductor. Dual Tubing Wellhead allows dual tubing string intervention. Each can be drilled and completed independently using a minimal number of connections.
Composite Block to reduce leak paths to the environment. Block equipped with double master valves, Tee and swab valve.
See other wellhead valves here:
Category: Wellhead & Christmas Tree Valve
DT (Dual Tubing Wellhead)
Product range
Pressure: 2000psi ~ 20000psi
Material: AA ~ HH
Temperature: -75o F ~250o F
PSL: PSL 1-4
PR: PR1, PR2